75 year old male came with loss of speech and dizziness

Chief complaints: decreased


HOP1: 75 yr old male patient farmer

by occupation brought to casualilty 

with decreased responsiveness 5:00 am.On examination, his blood glucose level was 43mg/dl.

Negative History : No History of Headache,Fever,Vomiting ,Chest Pain,Palpitations and Shortness of Breath.

Past history: Patient had similar complaints of decreased responsiveness 5 years ago due to low blood glucose levels and was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, 

treated for that in a local hospital.On diabetic medication.



Coronary artery disease 



Alcoholic since 45 years 

Treatment History : For Diabetes 

Glimda-MV 2

Personal History: Mixed diet

Polydipsia polyuria polyphagia

Bowel And Bladder-Regular 

 Sleep Adequate 

No Allergies And Addictions.


Family History: not Significant 

General Examination: 

Patient is Conscious, 

Moderately Built and Nourished.

Pallor Absent

Icterus Absent

Clubbing Absent

Cyanosis Absent

Lymphadenopathy Absent

Edema Absent

Vitals : 

Temperature - 98.6 degrees F

Pulse 52 bpm

B.P 120/80mmHg

SpO2 97%.


Higher mental functions

 • conscious

 • memory - able to recognize their family members

 • Speech - Normal

Sensory system : responding to pain


 Finger - Nose In - Coordination - No

Knee - Heel In-coordination - No


Reflexes: Left limb-

Biceps  ++

Triceps ++

Supinator ++

Knee ++

Ankle ++

Right limb-

Biceps ++

Triceps ++

Supinator ++

Knee ++

Ankle ++

Lab diagnosis: 


IV fluids DNS 50ml/hr

Inj Optineuron 1 amp in 100 ml

Inj 25% dextrose IV 

Tab Pantop 40mg 

GRBS monitoring 


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