35 year old female with fever, cough and joint pains

 Note: This is an online E Log book recorded by Anupreethi to discuss and comprehend our patient's  de-identified health data shared, AFTER taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

Chief complaints: Fever since 2 weeks, dry cough since 2 weeks, joint pains since 2 weeks

HOP1: 35 yr old female patient housewife by occupation brought to casualilty with fever, cough and joint pains(knee joint, ankle joint, metacarpophalangeal joint . She had high grade, continuous fever  associated with chills and rigors. She had similar fever with joint pains in June 2020 and June 2022 for which she went to local hospital and treated conservatively.

Negative History : No History of Headache,Hypertension,diabetes,Vomiting ,Chest Pain,Palpitations and Shortness of Breath, asthma 

Past illness: patient was asymptomatic 12 years back and she developed abnormal uterine bleeding and swelling of uterus fibroids for which hysterectomy was done. History of epilepsy at the age of 6 years, used medication for 3 years and 1 episode at 10 years

Personal History: Mixed diet

Bowel And Bladder-Regular 

 Sleep Adequate 

No Allergies And Addictions

Family History: Patient’s father has hypertension, epilepsy 

General Examination: 

Patient is Conscious, 

Moderately Built and Nourished.

Pallor Absent

Icterus Absent

Clubbing Absent

Cyanosis Absent

Lymphadenopathy Absent

Edema Absent 

Vitals : 

Temperature - 98.4 degree c 

Pulse  74/min

B.P 90/100mmHg


Lab diagnosis: 


IV fluids @ 100ml/hr

Inj piptaz @ 4.5g IV/TID

Tab dolo @650mg PO/QID

Inj Optineuron@ 1 amp IV/OD

Inj pantop @ 40 mg IV/OD

Tab azithromycin @ 500mg PO/OD


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