30 year old female came with Fever and vomitings

 Note: This is an online E Log book recorded by Anupreethi(20) Anirudh(11) to discuss and comprehend our patient's  de-identified health data shared, AFTER taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

Chief complaints: Fever since 3 days, vomitings 5 episodes(13th June 2022), unable to walk since 1 day.

HOP1: 30 yr old female patient sweeper by occupation brought to casualilty with fever and vomitings. She had low grade, intermittent fever which relieves on medication not associated with chills and rigors.

She had 5 episodes of vomitings which contained food particles, non projectile and non foul smelling. She needed support for walking.

Negative history: no history of shortness of breath, cough, loose stools, asthma,tuberculosis, diabetes

Past illness- hypertension since 2 years(Telmisartan-drug)

Personal History: Mixed diet

Bowel And Bladder-Regular 

 Sleep Adequate 

No Allergies And Addictions.

Family History: not significant 

General Examination: 

Patient is Conscious, 

Moderately Built and Nourished.

Pallor Absent

Icterus Absent

Clubbing Absent

Cyanosis Absent

Lymphadenopathy Absent

Edema Absent 

Vitals : 

Temperature - afebrile 

Pulse  114/min

B.P 140/80mmHg


GRBS: high

Systemic examination:

ABDOMEN: Palpable liver, no tenderness, distended abdomen.

Lab diagnosis:

Treatment history:13/6/22

IVF NS@100ml 

Inj Human Actrapid (1ml+39ml NS)@6ml/hr

Inj Monocef@1 gm x IV x BD



Injection human actrapid insulin

                  1ml +39ml NS @ 6ml/hr

GRBS 1hourly

Injection monocef 2gm×IV×BD

Monitor vitals hourly

Injection zoter 4mg IV  BD

Injection pan 40mg IV BD


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